Year 5 Trip to Safeside
By adm-howes-wireThis week Year 5 visited Safeside in Birmingham. Safeside brought PSHE to life through life-like scenarios such as a road crossing, bus, train, canal, car, house, alleyway, food store and street scene. In the morning, the children split into groups and took part in two different workshops. The first covered road safety issues and included simulations to show the effect of no seatbelts and an opportunity to use speed guns outside Safeside. The fastest car we caught was over 45mph in a 30mph zone! The second workshop took place on a double decker bus and inside the Travel Information Centre. It covered the skills needed for using public transport safely, and journey planning with an emphasis on reducing car use. The aim was to give children the skills and confidence to be more independent and keep themselves safe.
In the afternoon, the children took part in an interactive, practical two-hour tour. They learnt to recognise key dangers and understand how to reduce risk to themselves and others. The favourite part for most of the children seemed to be going into the Safeside alleyway in the dark and being scared by the dark shadowy figures inside! The experience did however have very serious messages about how to stay safe.
Please visit our gallery for more photographs of this event