Special Educational Needs and Disability

Howes is an inclusive school with a dedicated team of staff that is fully committed to providing a broad and balanced curriculum for all our pupils. We all work together to provide the best support possible for all children including those identified as having special educational needs.  Mrs Walters is our experienced SENCO who will support children and families to ensure that they are able to access the full curriculum which enables them to achieve and be the best that they can be.

Lessons are adapted to meet the needs of the children so that all children are included and have the sense of belonging in all aspects of school. We take a holistic approach to child development at Howes, valuing the stage, not necessarily the age of the child to enable that they can make progress whilst their social and emotional needs are met preparing them for their next stage of education.

At Howes, we have a plethora of specialist support to ensure that children get the right support, in the right place and at the right time.  We discuss any support plans with parents/carers and provide regular feedback on progress.

All children at Howes respect all children regardless of any needs or differences which encompasses the whole school inclusive approach and culture which is underpinned by our values.

If you have any questions or you would like to discuss the needs of your child, please contact Mrs Walters.

For more detailed information please have a look at our Special Needs Policy, SEND Information report and other useful links below.

Howes SEND policy March 2023

SEND Information Report Howes March 2023

SEND-Information-Report-QA-Howes 2023

The Local Offer for SEND brings together information about education, health and care services for children and young people from 0 to 25 with special educational needs and disabilities.

Coventry’s Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Local Offer


Children with a physical disability are fully supported in accessing all parts of the school. There is wheelchair access to all teaching areas and disabled toilets with wheelchair access.