Return to School

Return to School

Start of Spring Term

School Breaks Up

End of Autumn Term
Christmas Holidays (Friday 22nd December to Friday 5th January)

Return to School

School Breaks Up

Half Term (School Closed 23rd-27th October)

Return to school

Start of Autumn Term

Clubs Restart

New club letters will be sent out before Christmas.

Return to School

29th May – 2nd June 2017 (Half Term)
5th – 9th June 2017 (Training week for staff, school closed to children)
Children return to school Monday 12th June 2017.

School Breaks Up

End of Summer Term

School Breaks Up

29th May – 2nd June 2017 (Half Term)
5th – 9th June 2017 (Training week for staff, school closed to children)
Children return to school Monday 12th June 2017.

May Bank Holiday – School Closed