Non-Uniform Day

Non-Uniform Day

50p Donation

Sports Hall Athletics

Yr 5 and Yr6 9.30am- 12pm

Yr 3 Trigolf

At AT7

KS2 Tennis

At Coventry & Warwickshire Tennis Centre

The Magnificent 7 Competition

Yr 3 & Yr 4 at the Alan Higgs

Girls Football Tournament

At AT7. 4pm to 6pm.

Tennis Road Show: Whole School

Inspire2Coach coaching all Years at Howes.

Football Tournament: Yr 4,5 &6

Football Match on Thursday 7th February 2019 at 3.20pm. Yr 4,5 &6

Dragon Week

Dragon week begins on 28th January to 1st February.

Scholastic Book Fair

Scholastics Book Fair in School. Takes place from 25th February to 1st March.